Monday 27 February 2023

The Difference Between an HTML and XML Sitemap

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

In our previous blog, we covered everything you need to know about XML sitemaps and their benefits to both SEO and the user experience.

Now, you might be wondering; what’s the difference between an XML and HTML sitemap? or  In this post, we’ll discuss the differences between HTML and XML sitemaps. We will also provide tips on how to create a sitemap and use it effectively.

So, whether you’re a small business owner looking to improve your website’s SEO ratings, or a developer looking to create a custom sitemap for your clients, this blog post has everything you need to know.

What is an XML Sitemap? (And Why Should You Care)

difference between an html and an xml sitemap

An XML map is a file that contains information about the websites and every page on your website, such as the URL.s of those pages. It can help search engines determine which pages to index and make your website easier to find for visitors. Essentially, it directs your digital marketing efforts to improve the reach and visibility of your site.

You can create an XML map manually by adding a list of URLs to the file or by using an online tool that generates it for you. Whatever method you choose, a sitemap will allow search engines to easily find and index all of your content. This helps improve your site’s SEO rankings and exposure, which in turn can increase traffic and leads. It’s especially important to create an XML map if you’re planning on making any changes to your website. It’ll let you know which parts are currently working well and which need improvement.

XML vs HTML Sitemaps – What’s the Difference?

XML (Extensible Markup Language) and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) are two popular tools for organizing and displaying web content. They provide a way to structure and organize data using a markup language, which is easier to read and understand than raw text. However, there are some important main differences between an XML sitemap and an HTML that you should be aware of.

There are many differences between XML and HTML, but one of the most important is how they handle hyperlinks. Hyperlinks in HTML point directly to another page or location on the website, while in XML they have attributes that identify the target URL. This helps search engine spiders find the links and index them properly. Overall, XML and HTML serve different purposes and can be used interchangeably depending on the needs of individual websites.

Let’s take a look at the differences between XML and HTML sitemaps and how they can assist you in your SEO tactics.

XML Sitemap

XML is better suited for generating static output (such as documents or websites), whereas HTML is more suitable for dynamic applications (such as e-commerce sites). Overall, XML is a better choice if you want to create robust and easy-to-maintain websites or documents.

  • XML allows website owners to create a structured database of their content, which can then be used by crawlers to improve their indexes of the site’s pages. This allows search engines to navigate and index the site’s content.
  • An XML sitemap is a structured document that contains metadata about a website’s contents, such as URLs, images, and videos. It can be created using tools like Google Search Console or Webmaster Tools.
  • A well-designed sitemap will include links to all the pages on a site, including those that are not currently active or may have been removed from the site. It will also contain images and other multimedia content.
  • XML sitemaps are more difficult to create and maintain than HTML sitemaps.
  • More structured than HTML
  • Includes links to all pages on a website, including inactive, deleted, and new pages
  • Can include images and multimedia content

Overall, XML is a better choice if you want to create robust and easy-to-maintain websites or documents.

site map

HTML Sitemap

XML is much easier to read, edit, and maintain. It is more versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes. Inversely, HTML is known for having a steep learning curve and is difficult to work with (for a layman). It is more suitable for dynamic applications (such as e-commerce sites).

  • HTML sitemaps allow website owners to create an index of their site’s pages in a format that is easier for users to view and navigate. While it may not be as effective as XML, an HTML Sitemap can still help visitors quickly find related content.
  • An HTML sitemap is a list of links generated by a website that can be viewed in a browser or mobile app. These lists can be generated using tools like Google Search Console or Webmaster Tools.
  • It may not include links to all the pages of a website but will provide the information needed to maintain and improve the site, such as contact information and technical specifications.
  • An HTML sitemap is easier to create and maintain than an XML sitemap.

HTML has the flexibility to adapt to different devices and platforms, while XML may require additional coding or setup. Overall, HTML is an effective way to present and organize information online.

What Type of Websites Need an XML Sitemap

If your website uses a structured, data-driven approach to organizing its content and metadata you would need to implement an XML sitemap. This type of site typically features a well-defined structure that helps users navigate the site and find specific information.

There are several reasons why your website should use XML;

  • First and foremost, using XML will allow you to take advantage of the benefits offered by the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) open-source markup language standard. This standardized format allows you to store and share information in a flexible, organized, and easily readable way.
  • Additionally, using XML will help keep your site consistent and organized, which is an important consideration for any business.

On top of all this, using XML will also make it easier for search engines to index your website, which means that it will be easier for people to find and access. Overall, there are many compelling reasons for your website to use XML.

Should I Have an XML Sitemap or an HTML sitemap?

As we’ve illustrated, both XML and HTML are markup languages. These languages can be easily parsed by search engines, displayed on various devices, and shared online.

It’s important to choose between an XML or HTML sitemap depending on your needs and the type of website you’re building. For example, an XML-based website may require a more structured and detailed sitemap while an HTML-based website may prefer an easier-to-view list. You should also factor in which type of site you’re working with. So, think about what kind of content your website contains before making a decision.

Ultimately, it depends on your needs and the type of website you have. There are pros and cons to each method, so it’s up to you to decide which one works best for your needs.

site map board

Are there any Risks to Having a Sitemap?

There are several risks involved, that we will consider below;

  • It can cause errors and failures in your website’s SEO rankings if not created and maintained properly.
  • Can consume valuable bandwidth and storage space on your server.
  • It can misrepresent your website’s content, which could make visitors confused or frustrated.
  • Could possibly become outdated and no longer reflect your website’s current content and structure.
  • Sitemaps can be difficult to update and maintain as new content is added to your site.
  • If not maintained properly, an XML or HTML sitemap can contain outdated or inaccurate information, making it a potential source of confusion for visitors.

As long as you are prepared to maintain the sitemap and give the necessary precautions and action your sitemap will do a lot more good than damage.

So how do you maintain a sitemap in order to avoid any potential risks?

A good way to maintain an XML or HTML sitemap is by regularly updating it. This will allow search engines and web crawlers to easily find the latest versions of your website’s content. You can also use sitemap generators, such as the ones offered by Google and Bing, to generate a sitemap for you. These tools will help you create a comprehensive and up-to-date list of all the pages on your website. Finally, consider using a sitemap generator that is designed for managing complex websites, such as indexing services like DNN or WordPress.

It All Comes Down to XML

If you’re looking to improve the visibility of your site or make it easier for search engines to index your content, you’ll need to create an XML sitemap. An XML sitemap is a type of website map that is used to index and crawl your site. By creating an XML sitemap, you can ensure that all of your pages are included in search engine results and that visitors can easily find the information they’re looking for.

If you’re unsure which type of sitemap best suits your needs, contact Webjuice. We’ve got you covered! If all of this sounds a little bit too technical, we can maintain and regularly improve the visibility and accessibility of your site.


Tuesday 21 February 2023

What, Exactly, Is an XML Sitemap?

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Perhaps you’ve heard about sitemaps, and how important they are to your SEO efforts. But what is the hype about, and, according to Google, do you really need one?

According to Content King:

"An XML Sitemap is a special document that lists all pages on a website and is meant for search engines. Compare it to a telephone book: it tells the search engine what content is available and how to reach it. Furthermore some extra information can be provided, such as when the content was last updated and what the relative importance is of the content."

In short, an XML Sitemap is a document that contains information about the pages on your website. Let’s explain in more detail its functionality – an XML Sitemap file contains information about the contents of a website and its links. It is often used to help search engines better understand a website’s contents and index it more quickly.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what an XML Sitemap is and how you can use it to improve the visibility of your website. We will also provide tips on how to create a sitemap and how to submit it to Google. These steps are relevant whether you creating a single XML sitemap index or multiple sitemaps. So, if you’re looking to increase the visibility of your website and make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for, read on!

What’s the Purpose of an XML Sitemap?


An XML sitemap has a structured format that can be used to specify the contents of each page or section within the website. This allows search engines to effectively identify and create a sitemap index of all the pages. Without a sitemap, Google won’t index your website properly.

Sitemaps are also useful for you as a website owner. You can use them to determine which pages are most popular and improve their overall online visibility. By creating an XML sitemap, you can ensure that the site’s content is being properly presented to potential visitors and in turn, increase an online presence.

Finally, you can also use your XML sitemap as a way of communicating your site’s structure and content to third-party developers. This is useful if they are building applications or tools for their websites.

Many of the best SEO strategies for using XML involve incorporating it into your website’s content management system (CMS). This can help you to easily manage and organize your website’s content, making it easier to update and maintain. In addition, incorporating XML into your website’s code can help protect you from potential security breaches.

One popular strategy for using XML is to create rich-content sites with structured data. This allows you to collect valuable information about your users and their interactions with your site. This is valuable to improve the user experience and generate more targeted advertising. Additionally, structured data makes it easier for search engines to index your site, providing greater visibility and attracting more visitors.


What are the Benefits of an XML Sitemap?

An XML sitemap provides several benefits to you as the website owner, as well as the users;

  • First, it improves search engine optimization (SEO) by providing a list of specific pages within a website. This can help improve the visibility of your pages in SERPS.
  • Next, an XML sitemap can ensure that visitors can find the right information when visiting a website. A list of all the pages on a website can help prevent users from becoming lost or confused while navigating.
  • Finally, an XML sitemap can be used as an internal tool for managing and maintaining a number of your websites. It allows you as an owner or SEO manager to easily manage and update individual pages within a site’s structure

All in all, you can expect a massive difference in traffic to your website and the ability to convert visitors into valuable customers in the long run. Submitting your XML sitemap to Google will also help you determine which pages in your sitemap are most important for SEO purposes. Google relies heavily on keyword density when ranking websites. By submitting your sitemap, you can ensure that all the relevant keywords are included in the document.

How to Create an XML Sitemap?  

You have several different tools at your disposal to create an XML format site map. Some of the most popular sitemap generators include Google Maps, Microsoft Word, and Adobe Acrobat. It is important to note that not all websites will require an XML sitemap; however, it is a good practice to create one if your website contains significant content pages. This will tell search engines what you are about, and how relevant you are to the searched content.


Step 1: Gather all of your sites’ URLs

This will help you create an XML sitemap that can be used to generate search engine results for your site.

To do this, you will need to input all of the URLs of your website(s). You can either use the URL bar on your browser or input the URL into a text editor like Notepad. Once you have gathered all of your URLs, it’s time to start assembling your XML or HTML sitemap. (Make sure to read our next blog to find out the difference between the two types of sitemaps.)

XML sitemaps are composed of two main parts: the content and the structure. The content part contains all of the individual pages on your website, while the structure part includes information about how those pages are organized.

The most important part of the structure section is the sitemap index file, which is responsible for listing all of your pages in reverse chronological order. This makes it easy for search engines to properly find and index your pages.

Step 2: Code the UrlS

Now that you have gathered all of your URLs and created a content and structure index file, it’s time to create the XML sitemap itself.

To do this, open up a text editor like Notepad and enter the following code: <url> <locale>en_US</locale> <lastmoddate/> </url> ‘’where URL is the URL of one or more of your website pages’’ The locale is either “en_US” or “fr” The last mod date is the date/time that the page was last modified, and default is “now”.

For example, if you have a website with the URL and the locale is “en_US”, your XML sitemap would look like this: <url></url> <locale>en_US</locale> <lastmoddate/> </url>

Now that your XML sitemap is complete, it’s time to submit a sitemap to Google!

To do this, you will first need to create a file called “Sitemap.xml” in your website’s root directory and add the following code: <urls> <url></url> </urls>

Next, append the contents of your XML sitemap file as a child document of this “Sitemap.xml” file. Finally, make sure that you set the MIME type for both files to “application/xml” and “application/xhtml+xml”, respectively.

For example, if your website’s root directory is located at, the final file structure would look like


How To Submit Your Sitemap For Your Website to Google Console

To submit a sitemap in Google, you need to provide detailed information about your site’s structure, including its HTML code, links, and other metadata. A good way to begin is by taking note of any existing URLs on your website and providing those in your sitemap. It is also a good idea to include any relevant keywords or phrases that you want to be included in the index for your site.

  • Sign into Google Search Console and click “Sitemaps” in the left sidebar

To submit an XML sitemap, sign into Google Search Console and click “Sitemaps.” Under “Webmasters,” click “Create a new Sitemap.” You will then be prompted to enter a name and description for your sitemap. Next, you will need to input the URLs of all the webpages that should be included in your sitemap. Finally, you will need to decide whether you want your sitemap to be public or private.

  •  Add the URL of your sitemap at the top of the page where it says “Add a new sitemap”

To submit your XML sitemap for your website, you need to add the URL of your sitemap at the top of the page where it says “add a new sitemap.” Here’s how to do that:

Click on “Sitemaps & Reports” in the left-hand navigation menu.

Under “Sitemaps,” click on “Create a New Sitemap.”

On the “Sitemap Settings” page, enter the following information:

  • Title: “My Sitemap”
  •  Description: A description of your sitemap
  • URL: The URL of your sitemap (e.g.,
  •  Inclusion Level: Automatic (default) or Customized for Each Site

Click on “Upload File.” You will then be taken to a page where you can select the file that contains your sitemap XML file.

  • Click submit and Google will crawl your newly created XML sitemap

This process can take some time, so be patient. It can take a while for crawlers to, well, crawl a single XML sitemap and look for sitemap errors. Once it’s complete, you’ll be able to see the results on your Google search engine results page.

Next, copy the URL of your Google search results page and paste it into a browser. You will now be able to see all of the pages on your website that were indexed by Google.


Set Up a Sitemap - Help Search Engine Crawlers

Many SEO experts believe that using XML Sitemaps is one of the best ways to improve your website’s SEO. The reason for this is twofold: first, it allows you to document all the important aspects of your website. This includes an image sitemap, video sitemap, titles, metatags, and descriptions. Secondly, it makes your website easier for search engines to find and index.

Though XML Sitemaps is an essential component of any effective SEO strategy, there are some considerations that you need to take into account. First, make sure that you use the correct version of XML Sitemap – there are several different versions available on the internet, and only one will work with Google’s search engine.

Finally, ensure that your XML Sitemaps document is up-to-date – periodically review it to make sure that all the relevant information has been included. And let’s not forget to make sure that you submit your XML sitemap file correctly – failing to do so may result in penalties from Google.



Thursday 16 February 2023

10 Best Google Analytics Alternatives for 2023

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Google Analytics is one of the most popular tracking tools available, and for good reason. The free plan offers a wide range of features and has a long history as some of the best and most effective analytics software. However, Google Analytics isn’t the only option available. Several other alternatives may be better suited for your specific needs.

Here are four reasons to consider using an alternative to Google Analytics:

  • Alternative tracking platforms offer greater flexibility and customization than Google Analytics does. They allow you to track more data points, measure different aspects of your website traffic more accurately, and generate more detailed reports.
  • Alternative tracking platforms are often faster and easier to use than Google Analytics. They integrate with various applications and browsers without any extra steps or plugins required – just install the plugin and start collecting data!
  • Alternative tracking platforms often have stronger security measures in place than Google Analytics does. This means that your data will be less vulnerable to infiltration by third parties or accidental deletion by staff members.

In this blog, we will take a more in-depth look at other analytics tools that can work for you.

1 – Clicky

google analytics alternatives

Clicky is an alternative analytics solution that boasts a variety of features. It is an excellent choice for small businesses. Some of its key features you can look forward to include real-time tracking, detailed data analysis, and the ability to import your data into Clicky in seconds.

Another great thing about Clicky is that you can either use the free version for up to 21 days or get the full plan for as little as $9.99 for a month. This makes it an ideal option for businesses on a budget who want to get started with Google Analytics without spending too much money.

It’s easy to use and provides you with a ton of valuable information that can help you improve your marketing strategy. Clicky provides one of the most variable pricing varieties including free, Pro, Pro Plus, Pro Platinum, and a custom option. With the free version, you can expect one website, all the basic features such as real-time data, and more.

Benefits Overview

  • Compatible with GDPR
  • Heatmap tracking
  • Backlink analysis
  • Real-time reporting on data traffic
  • Compatible and easy to use on mobile

2 – Matomo


Matomo also has some great features that make it stand out. For example, it allows you to see detailed data about how people interact with your website (including how long they spend on each page and which pages are the most popular). Additionally, it provides you with insights into your website’s traffic source, conversion rate and more.

With a zoned focus on security and privacy, more than 1.4 million high-risk websites have opted for their services instead of using Google Analytics.

Overall, Matomo is a great choice for anyone looking for an affordable and reliable Google Analytics alternative.

Matomo provides two different price options including the free and cloud version. The cloud version will cost you $23.

Main Benefits

  • Past data gathered through Google Analytics can easily be imported
  • Tracks ALL user and traffic data accurately.
  • You own all the data found through Matomo
  • Boasts various behavioural analytics including heatmaps and session recordings.

3 – Piwik PRO

piwik pro

Piwik PRO is a great Google Analytics alternative for the new year. It’s fast, and efficient, and lets you customize your reports to get the data you need, the way you want it. Plus, it has a wide range of features that will make it easier for you to track your website’s performance.

it offers more fine-grained tracking options, so you can see more detailed data about your website’s traffic and conversion rates. It also has a built-in reporting system that makes it easy to view all of your data in one place.

Piwik PRO provides various pricing options for your needs and budget. Feel free to contact them on their website for current price options.

Main Benefits of Piwik PRO

  •  Full control of traffic data
  • No data sampling.
  • One of few analytics platforms to provide integrated business intelligence tools.
  • GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA compliant

4 – Heap


Heap is a Google Analytics alternative that has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years. It boasts several features that make it an excellent option for tracking website analytics.

One of Heap’s key advantages is its ease of use compared to its advanced services. It’s designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible without sacrificing top-notch features. This makes Heap one of the best high-end programs. This is definitely an option for those who already have some knowledge of SEO practices and how to make use of analytics.

Heap is available for free trial use but also provides other pricing options. Contact them on their website for pricing options.

Benefits of Heap

  • GDPR Compliant
  • Very powerful and offers more fine-tweaking than other web analytics platforms
  • Heatmaps and Session recordings
  • Advanced Segmentation, reporting capabilities, and customizable setting.
  • Availability of auto capture for all traffic data which allows monitoring of live traffic.

5 – Mixpanel


Mixpanel also offers a wide range of reporting options, which makes it easy for you to understand how your website is performing. You can also use Mixpanel to create custom reports and dashboards that will give you an overview of your website’s performance in specific areas.

If you’re looking for a tool that can help you better understand your website’s performance, then Mixpanel is worth considering. It is available for free use and has unlimited data history, core reports, and access to the Mixpanel community. The next step will cost $20 and will include all free features plus Data modelling, impact report, unlimited saved reports, and much more. The advanced package starts from $833 and includes SSO & natural provisioning, accommodations for seasonal traffic, Experiments and signal reports, and advanced access controls.

  • Works for in-app purchases
  • Customizable dashboard options
  • Microtransactions compatibility
  • Robust reports and data visuals
  • Ease of use and quick to set-up

6 - Woopra


Woopra is one of the best Google Analytics Alternatives for 2023. It offers a user-friendly interface, efficient data processing capabilities, and broad data storage options. In addition, it has a wide range of features that make it an ideal tool for tracking website performance and navigating through your analytics data.

Overall, Woopra is a great Google Analytics alternative that offers many advantages over the standard tool. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive solution that provides a deeper focus on fewer types of data categories then Woopra is a great option. The main focus points of Woopra lie in behaviour, retention, journey, cohort, and journey data categories.

Woopra is available for free use and includes 90-day data retention, Core Analytics, 30-plus integrations, and 500k actions. The next step-up package includes premium support, Advanced Analytics, 2-year data retention, and 5 million actions per month.

Main Benefits

  • Various visualisation settings for reports
  • Analytics categorization
  • High-performance for desktop use
  • Track each step of a user
  • Simple third-party integration with tools such as HubSpot, and Google Ads.

7 - Dreamdata


Overall, Dreamdata is an excellent Google Analytics alternative that provides all the essential features and benefits needed by modern web marketers. If you’re looking for an affordable and comprehensive solution that rivals the standard Google Analytics platform, then Dreamdata should be at the top of your list.

Dreamdaata is more focused on business-to-business analytics rather than the customer-focused platforms on this list.

Dreamdata provides you with FREE B2B web analytics (similar to Google Analytics). But to get the full benefit of using the platform the Team package which is intended for self-services will include CRMS: HubSpot compatibility and Integrations for 10 sources and will cost you $999 pm.

Main Benefits

  • Single and Multi-touch attributions
  • Journey Reporting
  • ROI Tracking
  • Detailed Data Visualizations
  • Custom event tracking

8 – FoxMetrics


FoxMetrics is a great Google Analytics alternative that offers a wealth of features and customization options. It has a user-friendly design that’s easy to navigate, making it ideal for users who are not tech-savvy. Plus, it offers an extensive array of reports that help you understand your website’s performance in detail.

Furthermore, FoxMetrics stands as one of the best options for using both desktop and mobile sources. The platform boasts standard quantitative analytics features which have been largely used by restaurants worldwide to get traffic data for their websites as well as ordering systems and loyalty platforms. FoxMetrics is also the most popular option for social media analytics.

A bit on the expensive side, FoxMetrics does however provide near-superior services. The lowest price option stands at $399 for a month and this includes unlimited dashboards, reports, and limited data volume. The top price option is $599 and provides you with the ultimate package deal within includes history, 13montsh data, Unlimited Customer reports and Professional support.


  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Perfect for social media analytics
  • Customer Data Platform
  • Net Promoter Score

9 – W3Counter


W3Counter is a popular Google Analytics alternative that’s been around since 2004. It offers several features including the ability to track pages and links as well as traffic sources and channels. W3Counter also has its metric system, making it easier to understand your website’s performance.

W3Counter also has a great user interface that is easy to use. It also offers tons of customization options, so you can create reports that are exactly what you need. Overall, W3Counter is a great option for anyone who wants more control over their traffic data.

This is another affordable platform that starts from $10 a month. What makes pricing versatile on W3Counter is the ability to mix and match different price plans to accommodate your needs and budget.

  • Detailed web stats reports
  • Affordable
  • Easy to use
  •  Pricing plans can be chosen to work for multiple websites

10 - Simple Analytics

simple analytics

Simple Analytics heavily focuses on privacy and ease of use. The platform boasts features that you may not expect from a platform this affordable. Used by colleges, libraries, universities, and all sizes of companies this platform have proven to be a great option for your analytics needs.

You can easily create interactive maps and charts as well as reports that use 100,000 data variables to provide you with the most detailed tracking. Simple analytics are available at various price points which start from as little as $9 for the starter pack. This includes access to 1 user to work on 10 different websites and includes aggregated export.


  • Interactive Maps
  • Detailed reports
  • Compatible with exports
  • Business maps reports
  • Rank locations
  • Sharing

Real-Time Analytic Alternatives for a New Business Year

So, why would you choose an alternative over Google Analytics? The answer depends on what exactly you’re looking for in a tracker!

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter which platform you choose, as long as you are able to track your customer journey. After all, in the words of Geoffrey Moore:

“Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the Web like deer on a freeway.”

Many people find that these other options offer far superior capabilities compared to what was offered by GA until recently. Many of the analytics platforms on this list are among the top-rated platforms for both business and personal use and provide strong benefits over using Google Analytics.


Monday 13 February 2023

How to Use ‘’Google My Business’’ To Get More Customers

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Google My Business is a powerful tool that businesses can use to get more customers. It’s free, and it allows you to track your business’ performance in real time. You can also see which keywords are driving the most traffic to your website, and learn about the people who are visiting your site.

If you’re not using the tool yet, now is the time to start. If you use Google My Business to get more customers, you’ll be able to build a better understanding of how customers interact with your business and figure out ways to improve customer experience even further. If you are already using the product but not getting the results you want, our guide will help you get the most from this helpful business marketing tool.

In the words of Wendy Piersall:


"Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first."

So let’s not waste any time, and create a Google My Business listing!

What is Google Business Profile (f.k.a. Google My Business)?


A Google Business Profile is a powerful tool that businesses can use to improve their online visibility, attract new customers and investors, and track key performance indicators through accurate information.

Creating a profile is easy; all you need are some basic information about your business, such as your company name and address, website URL, contact details, etc. Once you’ve created your Google Business Profile, you can start using it to increase your online presence.

By simply creating your business profile on google you will be able to attract local customers even more than advertising in a more traditional way. All locals will easily be able to find your business online through suggestions by Google and be able to contact you and visit your website simply by clicking a button.

Why You Need a Google My Business Account

Other than the obvious reasons behind the importance of online marketing and the vast reach that Google has on reaching the masses, there are still many other reasons why a Google Business account can change the way you do business and attract customers.

You can create pages that include more detailed information about your business (such as services offered, or products sold). You can also set up automated email notifications, so you never miss an important update with your GMB account. And finally, using the “Google Maps” feature allows customers in your area to find you easily on their mobile devices.

Having a Google Business account is essential for any small business owner who wants to stay competitive in today’s digital world. By keeping everything neatly organized within one platform, it becomes much easier for people interested in doing business with you to find and contact you quickly and efficiently.

Some of the benefits of having a Google Business Profile include:

  • Increased customer leads and sales opportunities through better SEO rankings for your website.
  • A better understanding of how customers interact with your business – see what pages they visit most often on the website, what type of content they share on social media channels related to your sector or niche topic(s), and where in the world they are located at any given moment.

Get Discovered in Google (and Google Maps)

One way Google Maps can help your business is by promoting your location on the map as part of sponsored placements. This allows people looking for specific services or products nearby, to see your business name and address prominently displayed. You also have the option of paying Google to have ads placed around your location specifically targeting potential customers.

Another way Google Maps can help you promote your brand is through local search results – this is where users enter either the name of a city or town or a zip code, to find localized content about businesses in those areas.

Control Your Online Business Information

When your business pops up on Google searches through your business profile all information will immediately be visible to potential customers on the right-hand side of your screen. The information includes contact details and a website link button. You can weaselly edit all your business information including new promotions, change of location, and more by simply logging in to your account and changing the details. The updated details will take immediate effect on google search results pages.

Build Trust Through Reviews

Webjuice Digital Agency

Reviews play a fundamental part in growing your business and stepping forward in terms of becoming an essential figure in your specific market. When clients see your business on google search results your profile will immediately showcase reviews that satisfied customers have shared for others to feel assured about dealing with you. Even with negative reviews, you will be able to improve if you are notified of certain problems or factors in your services or products.

How to Set Up a Google Business Profile

Setting up a Google Profile is super easy! All you need is a Google account and a business with a physical address. Below you can see the complete guide to getting started.

Step 1: Sign into Google Business Profile Manager

To get started, first sign into your Google Account (or create an account if you don’t have one). Then visit the “My Business” page ( and click on the “Create New Site” button.

Step 2: Add your business

After clicking on “Create New Site” button you can either choose to create your profile or even add a Google My Business website that is free. After creating the website, simply add the domain to your profile, and your business is added.

Step 3: Enter Your Location

Enter your location for your profile to be visible to your nearby community. This will help to get customers from nearby areas and build a positive client base.

Step 4: Fill in Your Contact Information

Probably the most important part; you want potential clients to reach you on the correct details provided. Be sure to provide all forms of contact including email, phone number, contact forms, website links, and more.

Step 5: Verify Your Business

To verify your profile, you will need to click on the “Verify” button and answer the incoming call or text message to get your verification coder to enter into your profile.

Step 6: Customize Your Profile

You can customise your profile to reflect the information you want to appear in online searches. You can also add a custom domain name or create a custom scheme. You can also customize your Google My Business website if you have one. It is advised to have a more productive website linked to your profile.


How To Optimize Your ‘’Google My Business’’ Profile

Optimizing your profile is all about attracting local or nearby customers to choose your products or services rather than those of the competitors. With the use of Google My Business, you can even share your social media updates such as promotions or events to reflect as posts on Google. If you have a Google my Business website these posts will automatically be displayed on the site as well as your profile.

Complete All Elements of Your Profile

Leaving blank information on your profile will result in clients looking at the competition instead of contacting you directly after seeing your profile. Your services and products should always be updated with the latest videos and images. Especially photos and videos of your storefront or inventory.

Verify Your Locations

Your location is extremely important. For the best results in helping potential clients find you you need to verify your location when setting. It is important to also remember to change location if your business moves to a different location.

Add Real Images and Videos of Your Business

By loading professional photos and videos of your business rather than generic media you will be able to display the overall look and feel of your business and draw customers through a more personal technique.

Include Keywords in Your Profile

By including relevant keywords in your Google My Business account, you can improve your website’s visibility and increase traffic to your site. It is very lucrative to add keywords related to your location but also your specific industry and your brand name for potential clients to become accustomed to your brand name.

Encourage and Answer Reviews and Questions

Once your Google My Business account is verified and active you will start to get queries and questions from potential customers or customers who have already supported you but need further assistance. By responding to clients’ reviews and questions you show dedication to improving your services and products even more.

Keep Your Business Information Up to Date

Constantly update your account with the most recent changes to your business. If you don’t update changes, you may cause unnecessary problems for your customers. This includes changes in location or phone numbers, changes in services or products, and more.

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Add Special Features and Attributes

Adding special features and amenities to your Google My Business can help you stand out from the competition and attract new customers.

There are a few things you can do to improve your profile.

  • Add relevant images and rich media content.
  • Boost the visibility of your listing.
  • Add social sharing buttons.
  • Display ratings and reviews.

Add Your Products

Adding products to your Google My Business account is not just about quality pictures.

Making sure that you are tagging the brands and your location in the posts together will helpful and informative information about the product specifications and features.

It’s important to choose the right categories and tags for each product so that your Google My Business page looks consistent and informative.

Take advantage of Google’s free Marketing Tools

By signing up for Google my business, you can use all their free marketing tools. This gives you as a business owner a chance to reach the masses by simply making use of FREE marketing tools by the leading search engine. By making use of AdWords (Google Ads), Analytics, YoutTube, and Search Console you can be sure to attract customers from nearby areas.


A Free Google Tool That Works!

By simply making use of a Google My Business profile and optimizing it to attract nearby customers with a professional site. If you focus on providing informative information your business can have a lot more potential, both online and at your physical location.

Be sure to always update your information on your Google My Business profile and to market your new products and services professionally.



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