Monday 23 January 2023

Why is My Website Not Ranking in Google – Common Mistakes

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Website ranking can be a challenge for any business. And, unfortunately, common mistakes that businesses make when trying to improve their website’s rankings include making incorrect assumptions about SEO and other online marketing tactics.
According to Amit Shukla:

As analytics become more important in the business world, it has led to the rise of both ranking and rating systems. The idea behind ranking is to push content higher up the ranks if it performs well while rating systems give out an overall score for a given piece of content."

It is therefore important that you have a solid understanding of SEO principles and how they work. This will help you avoid making costly mistakes later on down the line. Once you know what works and doesn’t work to rank on Google (and other search engines), put the strategies we will discuss below into action by using search engine optimization techniques, such as link building & social media outreach.

If your website is not ranking in Google, it’s likely because you’re making some common mistakes. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some of the most common website problems, and give you tips on how to fix them. So, whether your website is not ranking at all or just isn’t showing up as high on search engines as you’d like, read on to find out how to fix it!

Google Ranking Factors to Increase Search Result Placement

Improve SEO ranking

Always ensure you have a solid understanding of SEO principles and how they work. This will help you avoid making costly mistakes later on down the line. Once you know what works and doesn’t, put the strategies discussed below into action. SEO techniques such as link building and social media outreach will help you here.
And don’t forget: always test your hypotheses before implementing changes live! That way, you’ll save yourself from any potential loss in traffic.

  • Make sure that your meta title is keyword rich and that your brand name is displayed first.
  • Your website meta descriptions should be well-written, compelling, and relevant to the keywords you’ve selected for your site.
  • Improving keyword density is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your SEO efforts. Density is simply the percentage of words in a given article or piece of content that are related to your target keywords. The higher the density, the higher your website should rank on search engines.
  • Make use of webmaster tools. They allow you to manage your website’s content and layout, track website visits and conversion rates and monitor various other aspects of your site’s performance. Google Search Console is a great tool to measure your site’s performance.

Now that we have the most common issues covered let’s have a look at the most important factors that may be the root of your low rankings.

1 - Using the Wrong Keywords

Find keywords

If you’re not using the right keywords in your website’s title, description, and other search-engine-friendly content, then your website will never appear on the first page of Google.

When you do your keyword research, you first need to understand what Google looks for. But remember that Google is constantly changing its algorithms to ensure the best results for its users.

Google considers a website to be “ranking well” if it counts within the top three results for a specific keyword or phrase. So, if you’re trying to rank for”SEO specialist,” your website needs to be showing up on the first or second page of results for that target word.

But there’s more than just one keyword that impacts how well your site performs. Every page content on your website should contain relevant words and phrases that are relevant to your niche and what people are searching for. If it doesn’t, then those words won’t show up in Google’s search engine. This means that you need to spend time brainstorming different keywords and phrases that could be associated with your business and see which ones actually show up on the SERPs.

2. Keyword Placement and Density

If you’re struggling to get your website ranked in Google, one of the most common mistakes you’re likely making is placing your keywords too low on your page. Simply shoving it into the article or page will not suffice. Keyword placement and density are, well, key here.

So what is it and how does it influence your site?

  • Keyword placement is the position of your keywords on your page, relative to other content on your page. You want to make sure that the phrases you select are relevant to your website and audience, and that they’re positioned in a way that will make them easy for people to find.
  • Density refers to how often your keywords are used on your page. The more times it appears on a page, the better chance it has of being ranked higher in the SERP. However, you don’t want to overuse keywords or include them in an unnatural way – otherwise, you’ll end up with spammy results instead of helpful ones.
  • There are many ways to measure the density – but one common method is called the “Keyword Placement Index.” This index measures how well a given word is positioned relative to other words on a web page, based on its frequency and position within phrases.

Overall, placement and density are both crucial elements when it comes to reaching the top of Google search engine results.
Finally, make sure you keep up with Google’s regular updates and changes – this will ensure that your website remains optimized for search engine traffic.

Not indexed

Why Google May Not be Indexing Your Website

Another factor in low search engine rankings may be Google not indexing your website. So why would this happen? It’s all about making it easy for your visitors to navigate your website with ease of use.

  • Indexing is the process by which Google “reads” your website and makes it available to be searched through its search engine.
  • There are a few common reasons why a website might not be indexing:
    Your website’s domain might not be registered with Google.
  • Your website’s sitemap may not be up to date.
  • Your website may have been removed from the index due to incorrect content or violations of Google’s policies.

No Authoritative Backlinks

backlinks. Authoritative backlinks are the links on your website that are from reputable websites such as news sites and educational research papers from experts with a lot of authority in their field.

Backlinks are one of the most important factors when it comes to SEO. High-quality backlinks are not just limited to websites that deal with the same topic as yours – they can come from any source, be it a blog, an article, or even a forum post.

Google uses these links as part of its algorithm to determine which websites are most relevant and trustworthy when it comes to a particular topic. If your website doesn’t have any authoritative backlinks, then it won’t rank in Google for any of the keywords that you’re targeting.

The first step to finding authoritative backlinks for SEO is to identify which keywords are most important to your business. Once you have a list of target keywords, it’s time to start hunting for high-quality backlinks.

website not ranking in google

Why are authoritative links so valuable?

An intuitive explanation would be that if someone is looking for information about a topic, they’re going to look first to websites with high rankings on that subject. And since authority sites are typically well-researched and unbiased, their links will give your site extra weight – leading to higher click-through rates and better exposure for your content.

How do you generate authoritative links?

There are two main ways: through backlinking and through linking to influential sites. Backlinking involves posting relevant articles or blog posts on other credible sources and then tagging those sources using specific keywords related to the article or post you’re linking to. You can also add these tags manually into any article you publish on site – this will help Google’s indexing spiders find it faster when they crawl your site later on

Cleaning House to Increase Your Websites Search Ranking in Google

Organic search is a powerful ranking factor that can help your website rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing your site for organic traffic, you can attract more customers who are looking for high-quality content. You can do this by simply uncluttering your content from excessive and forced keywords and rambling.

First and foremost, make sure all of your text is well-written and easy to read. This includes titles, meta descriptions, and anywhere else text may be displayed on the page. Make sure all important keywords are used throughout the text in a natural way, as well as in the title tags and metadata. In addition to writing quality content, include relevant images that accompany each article or video clip. Finally, make use of broken link-checking tools like Google Webmaster Tools which will identify any links that don’t point back to your website properly. Fix them up immediately so they work better for you!

Here are some general guidelines that can help you assess how your website is performing with speed and usability.

  • Check the loading time of different pages. Make sure all the content and images load quickly and without any lag.
  • Test out different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) and devices (PCs, tablets, phones) to see which ones work best for users.
  • Try using a browser extension such as Google Lighthouse Extension to measure performance in real-time.
  • Compare your results against those of similar websites that have been published as benchmarks by Google or Yahoo! And make appropriate changes if necessary.

Climb to Google Ladder with Webjuice

With all the valid points we have discussed in this blog, your website can get back on track and become more relevant than ever. By simply making sure your website is not filled with outdated or irrelevant content you can easily start increasing traffic without an expensive SEO campaign.

But with all this information the most important point to keep in mind is googles algorithm updates. Always stay up to date on their latest changes to ensure your content, backlinks, and meta details are on point and relevant enough to reach the top of search results.


Monday 16 January 2023

Keyword Research: How To Pick Keywords

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Keywords are one of the most important factors in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and if you ever searched for anything online, you likely already have an understanding of how to pick keywords and use them to your advantage.

Used correctly, keywords can generate a lot of traffic for your website, provide relevant information about your business or product, and help users find what they’re looking for online.

But how do you pick keywords that will give your site the best chance of ranking on search results? This post will teach tips on choosing the right keywords to direct traffic to your site without sacrificing the quality of your content.

Do's and don'ts

What Are Keywords?

Keywords are important for any online marketing campaign, no matter whether you are running an ad or releasing a blog post. The right keywords for SEO play a vital role in reaching your goal for higher online traffic and increasing your search volume.

By choosing the right list of keywords you can help your website and brand to rank higher, with the goal to reach first page results.

The proper SEO strategy will help you determine which keywords are appropriate for your site and which will work best. It’s all about determining which keywords are most searched by your target audience, and which of these target keywords are used by your competitors.

How Are They Used and Where Do They Work Best?

As we’ve seen, keywords help identify a person’s website and its content within the search engine results pages (or SERPS for short). This in turn helps to increase traffic to your site, which leads to more potential customers, and ultimately, sales.

The best way to target specific keywords using SEO tools is to consider the search intent of your potential customers. Consider how people are searching for information about a particular product or service. This helps to address the need that searchers are looking for online directly.

That said, keywords should always be used strategically to not look forced or placed within the article simply for the sake of keyword stuffing.

How to Find the Perfect Keywords for Your Site?

As keywords help identify your website and its content within the SERPS it’s important to use the most popular keywords relevant to your product. SEO professionals like Webjuice make use of keyword planners to provide you with the optimal web layout.

A professional SEO company will run competitive analytics on your current SEO campaign, using tools like Semrush to come up with new keywords that will send your ranking soaring.

The Dos and Don’ts of Choosing Keywords

When it comes to choosing keywords for your website or blog there are a few things you should avoid and a few things you should definitely consider. Below we will cover the most important aspects of do’s and don’t when compiling your keyword list.

Do's and don'ts


  • Include a Variety of Words
    Repetition is tedious to the point of no return. Keywords might be few in certain topics but should never be overused in an article. An article should always be keyword rich but organic. Overusing a keyword phrase, or stuffing it with generic content will only get you in trouble with Google analytics.You are in fact, encouraged to use words outside of your direct topic. Some keywords may resemble other topics but may still be relevant to your article, which may in return draw attention from readers who are looking for other related information.
  • Be on Point
    Always focus on the actual goal of creating content instead of focusing on placing keywords for no reason. Clear and concise information helps to build trust, so your audience will know they can find informative facts and on-point conclusions on your site.

To add depth to your website instead of using keywords that do not match you can always incorporate subheadings that are centred on topics nearer to those keywords. Looking for easily ranking keywords? Then you can make use of long tail or geo-tagged keywords. Long tail keywords are easier if you want to rank, are more specific, and will help online users to find you.


There are certain crimes you should never commit when drafting your keyword strategy. Below we’ve listed some of the most important aspects of what not to do when you are trying to choose the right keywords.

  • Don’t Forget What’s Important to the Customer
    Don’t forget the customer. After all, they are your bread and butter. You have to understand your customer’s brands and what they stand for. If you are not familiar with the brand you might miss some of the best keywords that will attract them. It’s a good idea to find keywords that include industry phrases. This will also help to define the services offered by your company, and how they are of value to the reader.
  • Don’t Sneak In Your Keywords
    This comes down to one of the most obvious aspects of the right SEO strategy. Overuse of keywords will result in sentences without any real meaning. Let’s not forget that the overall goal of SEO marketing is to draw potential clients.
    Withing SEO marketing there are many legit (and not-so-legit) ways to reach a wider audience. Using informational keywords is the correct way to provide online users with the most reliable search results possible.

Withing SEO marketing there are many legit (and not-so-legit) ways to reach a wider audience. Using informational keywords is the correct way to provide online users with the most reliable search results possible.

Only focus on the target audience and audiences that may appear to have interests in closely associated topics to your brand. Use your related keywords where they matter and you will automatically receive the results you need in generating traffic for your brand. Overusing keywords will result in potential clients immediately losing trust in your website.

Keyword Research

How to Find the Perfect Keyword Match?

Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this keyword research method! It is actually one of the most powerful ways to increase traffic and make your website more visible online. Yet, identifying the keywords that boost your business to new heights is no small feat.

You don’t have to go at it alone. Webjuice takes the guesswork out of researching keywords for your SEO campaign. Our SEO agency offers a full service to help any content creator or brand to reach a wider audience than they possibly could on their own. Find Webjuice, find your audience, and prosper as a brand!



Monday 9 January 2023

Six Local Link-Building Tactics for Small Businesses

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Many businesses have to fight an uphill battle when it comes to their SEO strategy. This can be due to a lack of finances, being a newcomer to the industry, or being involved in an industry with limited audience reach.
Luckily, there are many local link building tactics that small businesses can use to boost their online visibility. In this blog, we’ll discuss six of the most effective local link building strategies that small businesses can use.

Armed with these tactics, your business will be well on its way to achieving better online visibility and higher search engine rankings in local directories. Get your business into the digital domain where your business prospects can only grow further and become more relevant to the public.

local link-building tactics

What is Local Link Building Tactics?

So, what exactly is link building? Why local?

To start out, small businesses should not extend their reach too far. It’s not about having less ambition, but being more responsible in what you can take on as a small enterprise. By linking locally, you will become more relevant to your community and those who might already have your brand or services in the back of their mind.

Link building for local clients in mind is a technique that can be used to boost the SEO rank of your site. It involves creating relationships with businesses in your area and then linking to their local websites from your website, or linking to your site from theirs. This will help your website appear higher in search engine results pages (SERP) when people search for local content.

There are several ways to go about creating local links, and the method that you choose will depend on the type of business that you are in.
Building links and local backlinks is a great way to build relationships with your target audience and increase your chances of success during your local SEO campaign. However, many smaller enterprises may be unsure if link building is necessary for their marketing campaigns.

Next up, we’ll discuss the benefits of creating links, explain how to get a link to a local site, and why it is important. We’ll also provide a few tips and tactics on how to effectively go about it.

The Importance of Local Link Building for Smaller Enterprises

As we know, online visibility is key to attracting and retaining customers. Building a strong online presence doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming – there are plenty of free and low-cost methods that can help you achieve success. So whether you’re looking to improve your website’s local SEO or just get in front of more potential customers, link building is an important first step.

Since local links target a smaller audience that has easier access to your services and products you will quickly see greater results. It is important to not see this as limiting yourself but rather as taking a foot forward past your competitors who are not even considering SEO marketing for their local business. Stand out among your competitors – think local, and get local links.

Think of how google and other search engines immediately throw out results that are aimed at your local search. Looking for a Thai food restaurant? You don’t even need to type in your location. Google will automatically display results of restaurants in your current area.

How to Build Local Links

If you’re looking to build strong links with local bloggers or that focusses on local news, then you need to start by understanding the local SEO landscape. This will help you target your links more accurately, and ensure that your content is seen as valuable by local professionals.
Once you’ve built up a strong network of local influencers, you have more local relevance.

Now it’s time to start pitching your content in the right way. By using the right template, writing an engaging copy, and targeting the right audience, you should be able to get your content published without too much trouble.
But remember – location, location, location. Identify and find local link building opportunities and link to other resource pages and local blogs so you can easily get noticed by followers of those platforms.

link-building tactics

1. Join a network relevant to your business niche

The first step is to find a relevant network. Many online networks are related to your business, so it’s worth spending some time exploring them. Once you’ve found a network that interests you, the next step is to join it. Joining a network will give you access to its member base, which can help you get backlinks to your website.

To maximize the effectiveness of your efforts, make sure you’re taking advantage of all the network offers and member benefits that are available to you. In addition, be sure to continuously update your profile and content so that members know who you are and what you stand for.

2. Resource page link building (local)

Local resource page link building is a great way to improve your local search results. You’ll find that when you build links to your resource pages, your link building efforts will help you rank higher in search engines and better show off the authority that you and your site have.

To do this effectively, you’ll need to make sure that your local resource pages are well-organized and easy to find. You should also make sure that the content on these pages is high quality and relevant to your target audience. You can also include charts, graphs, and other visual elements to help illustrate the information on your pages.

Last but not least, you should make use of effective anchor texts when you link back to your local resource’s pages. By only liking reputable websites, you will build trust with your target audience and followers.

3. Generate backlinks from social media channels

When you post a link on social media, make sure that it’s relevant to the channel you’re posting it on. For example, if you’re posting a link to your website on Facebook, make sure that the content of the link is relevant to Facebook users.

You can also use social media platforms to drive traffic back to your website. By promoting and linking to posts that are related to your industry or topic, you can help increase traffic and engagement on your website. This will likely result in higher rankings in Google and boosted local conversion rates for your business.

You’ll not only generate links from social media channels but also consolidate your brand’s authority among the relevant demographic groups. This will help you target your audience more precisely, which will ultimately lead to higher conversions and greater profits for you.

Local Businesses

4.Guests posts from experts and professionals

By submitting guest posts to relevant websites, you are providing valuable information and insights that other readers may find useful. This will help you stand out from the competition, and improve your credibility as an expert in your field.

You can submit guest posts on a variety of topics, but make sure that you select topics that are relevant to your business niche.

To get started, simply find websites that publish local blog articles about the topics that interest you and send them a submission proposal outlining the article, why it’s important, and who would be best suited to write it. You can also include a link to your website.

That said, there are a few tips on what to consider when collaborating with local influencers and bloggers on your site.

  • Make sure they create high-quality content that will help you to stand out among competitors.
  • Only choose professionals in your field or experts who know a thing or two about the industry with their theories.
  • Never release articles that are not relevant to your niche.
  • Connect with the guest after their post or article has been released to engage about the results that the post has achieved.

5. Consider backlinks from top organic competitors

Your competitors are competitors for a reason. Same as you, they are striving to achieve their business goals and reach a wider audience. The difference is, they might be trying to reach too far – a common problem for many a local business owner wanting to create more traffic for their business online.

One of the best ways to get links from top organic competitors is through backlinks.
Here are a few tactics you can use for constructing effective backlink campaigns:

  • Seek out high-quality linking opportunities. This means looking for websites that have good content and are well-respected in the industry.
  • Make sure your links are relevant and useful. When possible, try to include keywords in your backlinks so that they can help improve your website’s SEO rankings.
  • Monitor the performance of your backlinks regularly; adjust your local SEO strategy as necessary based on what you find.
  • Be patient; local link building efforts take time but it’s worth it in the long run!

6. Always Remember Your LOCAL Audience

Local link building should not just be ‘visible’ to your community. It should reflect the local traditions, history, food, entertainment, and everything that encompasses the local area.

Local audiences are important because they are more likely to engage with your content and products. Your goal should always be to increase the engagement of your audience so that they are more likely to see and share your content. This will help you reach a larger audience and promote your brand more effectively.

There are a few ways that you can achieve this;

  • Make sure your content is valuable and interesting enough for people to want to read it. This means that it needs to be well-written and easy to understand.
  • Be sure to provide valuable information in a format that people will find useful and appealing. This can include the use of multimedia, images, and charts to enhance the reader’s experience.
  • Make use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (among others) to share your content with as many people as possible. Doing so will help boost engagement even further.

Make Use of LOCAL Link Building to Grow Your Business

It’s not just about improving your SERP search ranking but also about standing out amongst the community who are interested in your services or product.

By incorporating local linking you are creating stronger relationships between you and your community. The six local link-building tactics on this page will guide you in the right direction with our target advice and reach your nearby market with informative content.


Wednesday 4 January 2023

SEO Predictions for 2023: What to Expect From Google

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Many things will change over the next year in digital marketing. From technology to strategy, it’s a dynamic ecosystem that’s constantly changing and evolving. One constant, however, is search engine optimization (SEO) – a core strategy of every business.

As a marketing strategy that influences the visibility of a business online, SEO is vital for organizations of any size. With new updates coming out all the time, learning about what’s next for search engine optimization becomes an essential part of an online business’s growth strategy. In this blog, we’ll talk about key predictions for search engine optimization in 2023 and how things will be different from now.

Topical Authority Backlinks get very strong and become a requirement

In general, SEO will become more difficult in the coming years. So, a keyword-focused approach will no longer work as effectively.

Instead, a content-driven strategy will be required to rank high in search results. Many web pages will become a vital part of a successful marketing strategy and keyword-focused content marketing will become common practice.

This will also mean higher importance to content quality and relevance. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in e-commerce marketing will increase significantly.

These technologies can help marketers analyze user behavior, identify the best opportunities, and track results with precision. OBO will also play a bigger role in ranking high on search results pages (SERPs). The year 2023 is a distant year but it is quite possible that web pages with high-quality content and relevant links would continue to dominate the digital marketing landscape in a very big way.

SEO Predictions for 2023

Strong backlinks will be the deciding factor of who wins

Google’s focus on user experience and quality content will continue to be a key factor in ranking websites. – As a result, a keyword’s relevance to a user’s search query will become a more important ranking factor for web pages.

– This year, the search algorithm is expected to favor long-tail keywords over head keywords.

– The use of artificial intelligence (AI) will play an increasingly important role in SEO. More businesses will need to invest in digital marketing to stay ahead of their competitors.

– Businesses will likely see a few changes this year as well, with more emphasis on creating high-quality content than ever before.

– However, it’s too early to predict with certainty what SEO trends for the next year will be. What’s clear is that search engines are changing constantly, so businesses can’t afford to ignore SEO anymore.

AI content will be the new standard + the human brain of course

The year 2023 is a year of high demand for content creation and marketing. AI content will be the new standard, and marketers would have to be at par with this trend.

– Besides, search engine algorithm updates would become a major concern for marketers. Google will continue to use AI in order to improve its search engine results. It would promote human-curated content over automated content and ensure that high-quality content gets more visibility on its platform.

– The importance of keyword research and keyword optimization also wouldn’t fade away. As per a study by SEMRush, keyword research is likely to remain a vital part of any digital marketing strategy in the next few years.

– Similarly, website speed and design would see a rise in popularity as both are seen as vital factors for a successful digital marketing strategy. With all these factors considered, it’s easy to see why 2023 would be a year of great expectations for digital marketers.

Ai content Writers

Parasite websites for SEO start to grow

In a world that is full of search engine optimization (SEO) platforms, not many of you would have a doubt about which one to opt for. However, Google has given a lot of trust in these platforms and so a prominent site’s brand equity can assist you in achieving high click-through rates (CTRs) on the search engine results page (SERPs). Hence, if you believe that a high ranking is a key to success, then it’s best to opt for a high-quality platform like Parasite. It’ll not only help in creating rankings and links in a short period but also play a vital role in enhancing your website’s visibility.

"Easy To Find" starts Google prioritize"

Google E-A-T, a search engine optimization strategy that is a mix of organic and paid search marketing, will continue to be a vital part of digital marketing for the next few years. Keyword research will still be a key part of SEO, with keyword research helping you find the keywords your content is targeting. Quality content will be more important than ever in online marketing as it leads to a better user experience.

You’ll need to stay up-to-date with changes to the Google algorithm in order to remain competitive. As a result, you’ll need a well-rounded strategy that includes content creation, keyword and content optimization, and paid advertising.

"Easy To Find" starts Google prioritize

By 2023, it is likely that Google will continue to prioritize “easy to find” content in its search results. This will be a result of the digital era and the growing prominence of search engine queries over other content-based queries.

In particular, artificial intelligence will be a key factor in optimizing search results for each individual user. This will include personalization of search queries by analyzing a user’s online behavior and preferences. Chrome and Firefox will become more important as web browsers that are fast and user-friendly.

In addition, chatbots and voice search will also significantly enhance user experience with search queries. More businesses will adopt “mobile first” design principles to optimize their websites for mobile users.

Google E-A-T

Google E.A.T

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Overall, we think it’s an excellent choice for website security. With its intuitive interface and wide range of security features, this website antivirus is a great addition to your overall online security strategy. Make sure to check out VirusDie today and see for yourself!

Cloud Stack will get more juice in Local SEO

Looking ahead to the year 2023, a number of predictions are on the table. Among them, a few trends that seem to be emerging include a focus on local content over global content and artificial intelligence (AI) in search engine optimization (SEO).

These two factors will play a vital role in shaping the digital marketing ecosystem by bringing in new perspectives and ideas. A few other trends include a rise in semantic search and rich snippets in search results pages.

Additionally, Google’s focus on a more secure internet experience will lead it to down-rank queries that may result in keyword stuffing and unnatural ranking. As such, marketers must keep a tab on these trends to stay updated with the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.

CTR manipulation will become standard to get over Google with Proxies

By manipulating click-through rates (CTRs), website owners will be able to overcome Google’s ranking algorithm. In order to improve CTRs, website owners will need to use proxies and other low-quality traffic sources.

As Google continues to tighten its rules against spam, website owners will find it harder to achieve high CTRs. To remain competitive in search engine results pages (SERPs), website owners will need to focus on providing valuable content. Those who are able to consistently achieve high CTRs will be the ones who succeed in SEO in 2023.

Social Signals will continue stronger

Google will prioritize social signals in its ranking algorithms.

– The use of natural language processing (NLP) will help improve the accuracy of social signals. – Businesses will continue to integrate social media into their SEO strategies.

– More businesses will attempt to measure the effectiveness of their social media campaigns using metrics such as likes, shares, and comments. – Increased focus on local search results will contribute to the rise of social media marketing.

– The use of artificial intelligence (AI) will help to better identify and interpret social signals for search engine optimization purposes. As a result, search engine optimization efforts will become more sophisticated and accurate.

Brand Signals!

Brand Signals

Organic search results will continue to be a priority for search engines in the year 2023. In a bid to provide a high-quality experience for users, search engine operators will prioritize content that is relevant, informative, and useful in ranking web pages.

This means that organic keyword-driven search results will remain a vital part of online marketing strategy for businesses. As a result, businesses must invest more time and resources in creating high-quality content that appeals to their target audience. This will help them rank higher on search engine results pages. Moreover, SEO efforts must be tailored specifically for each business’s needs and goals.

With the increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in digital marketing, there is a greater emphasis on content quality rather than keyword stuffing or spamming. More focus on social media marketing will also drive additional traffic to websites from social media platforms.

Visual Search Will Become More Prominent

Google will prioritize search engine optimization (SEO) in its algorithm updates. – Google will continue to prioritize websites that are well-designed and user-friendly. This would mean a high ranking on the search results page for a website with a high-quality user experience and good content accessibility.

– Vertical search engines such as Amazon, eBay, and Netflix will become more popular. For example, e-commerce websites and digital content platforms may benefit from a strong SEO strategy to achieve a higher ranking on search engine results pages.

– SEO will become more important for small businesses and start-ups. As the demand for high-quality content grows, it is only natural that an increased focus on digital marketing strategies ensues.

– Google will continue to favor content that is original and relevant to the user. This would help a website get better rankings when compared to other similar content of the same type on the internet.


When ranking local search results, a combination of technical expertise and strategic planning is essential. With new search engine algorithm updates on a near-daily basis, search engine optimization strategy must be a constant in order to stay ahead of the competition. Do you have a strategy in place that ensures your business stays ahead of the game? If not, search engine optimization experts can help you create a search engine optimization strategy that matches your business’s mission, brand voice, and target audience.


Monday 2 January 2023

What is Anchor Text?

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Anchor text allows you to customize the words that lead to an affiliate site or just link to reliable information. Propper link building (which is vital in marketing) can’t be done without incorporating well-thought-out SEO-friendly anchor text.

But, what is anchor text, and how do you properly use it without being spammy? Let’s take a look. Anchor text is the visible links to your website or blog article to other pages on the internet. A website or blog needs to have a good generic anchor because it helps increase traffic and leads from search results and linked pages.

There are many benefits to using anchor text; overall, it’s crucial for a successful online marketing campaign. By incorporating proper anchor text using natural language into blog posts and articles, you can increase web traffic and SEO rankings. The best anchor text includes keywords, so when choosing which words or phrases to use, consider both the keyword potential of the phrase and how well it will fit into your content marketing strategy.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the heart of what anchor text is, how it works, and some tips for optimizing your surrounding text strategy.

Different Types of Anchor Text

When it comes to SEO, one of the most important factors is choosing the right type of anchor text. Anchor text for SEO includes keyword-rich hyperlinks that are used in your website’s URL (uniform resource locator). That’s why any marketing strategy should carefully consider the type of clickable text they’re using. And remember, simply throwing a catchy phrase over an important external link will not do your marketing campaign any good.
Anchor Text

Exact Keyword Anchor

An “exact” keyword anchor is a phrase or sentence that you use as a placeholder for the target keyword(s) in your content. This helps to improve the relevancy of your content and increase click-through rates (CTRs).

How does it work? First, identify the main keywords that you want to target with your content. Then, find an appropriate exact match anchor text for each of these keywords. The syntax for this process varies depending on the platform you’re using, but typically it involves inserting one or more word forms of your targeted key phrases near the beginning (or end) of your article, followed by an asterisk (*).

Here’s an example: In Google AdWords*, examples include “Google*Adwords” in your headline and body, as well as having specific ad words such as “SEO*Google ads”, etc. You can also add these phrases directly into paragraphs and sentences within your text.

Partial-match Anchor

Partial-match anchors are particularly useful for SEO purposes because they allow you to target specific keywords within a particular sentence. The flexibility of Partial-match Anchors allows you to focus on precisely what people are looking for without having too much competition from other pages with similar content. Partial match anchors also tend to be more powerful than full match anchors because Google favours websites that show off their expertise by targeting relevant keywords throughout their site instead of just one spot.

How does it work? If you want to rank high in search engine results for, say, cold-pressed juice, as an example, you could use an anchor text like “100 cold-pressed juices.” This would include variations such as “best cold-pressed juice brand” and “top 50 best cold-pressed juice bars in the USA” which would all link back to your main destination or home page.

Naked Links

There are several reasons why you might want to use a naked link in your online marketing strategy and also many reasons why you wouldn’t. In a nutshell, many see these links as ‘sneaky marketing’ but it does provide you with many benefits – even if it is not considered SEO best practice. Essentially this is the clickable link text in a hyperlink that doesn’t include the URL of the destination page.

How does it work? Naked links are often used to promote content on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Naked links are also used in search engine optimization (SEO) to boost traffic to website pages from search engines.

When users click on a naked link, they’re taken directly to the source page without being prompted for any information or credentials about that source. This allows you to target your audience with more precision since they won’t have any opportunity to stumble upon irrelevant or misleading information along the way.

Charm Anchor

A CHARM anchor text is a phrase that you use as the keyword in your Anchor Text Field on Google Search results pages. This phrase will be used to “anchor” your search result page to the current page so that users can more easily find what they’re looking for.

How does it work? CHARM anchors work like built-in links: once clicked, they direct searchers away from the search results page and back to the original web page where you placed them. In other words, using a CHARM anchor helps keep people on your site longer – which ultimately leads to higher click-through rates (CTR) and better conversion rates.

You can easily create a CHARM anchor by incorporating synonyms of your target market in your charm anchor text or you can develop a catchy phrase that encapsulates what you offer perfectly well. By analysing your traffic data you can easily find your target audience, thus will help to create the perfect CHARM anchor.

Anchor text

Branded Anchor Text (BAT)

Branded anchor text (BAT) is a powerful tool used by businesses to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). BATs are composed of three parts: the brand name, the phrase, and the link. The goal of a BAT is to make sure that all of these elements are relevant to your business and help you drive more traffic back to your website.
So, how does it work? Think of BATs as “mini-URLs” – they act just like regular URL addresses, but they’re explicitly customised for SEO purposes.

When people click on one of these links, they’re taken directly to your webpage instead of landing on random pages across the internet. These are frequently used within trademarked brands to market a new product or display a slogan. A great example of a branded anchor text would be ‘’Microsoft Word Professional’’ ‘iPhone 11’’ etc.

The more unique and relevant your BATs are, the better position you will be in when people type out queries about your brand or product online. And remember: always make sure you trademark any trademarks referenced within a BAT so other websites don’t attempt to claim them as their own.

How to Avoid Anchor Footprints

To avoid anchor text footprints, make sure all your referenced links point back to your original article or blog post. Also, keep in mind whom you are referencing and whether they would actually be interested in reading what you have to say. If not, don’t include an anchor text reference at all! This will help reduce clutter on your page and make it easier for readers to navigate their way around.

Furthermore, including too much anchor text can have a negative impact on your site’s rankings. In fact, some SEO experts believe that anchor text footprints are one of the main factors that contribute to poor ranking performance.

So, what should you do? The best way to avoid having an anchor text footprint is by being selective about which external links you include in your title and description tags. Make sure the links you choose are relevant and useful (rather than just linking out for no reason).

What is Anchor Text

Which Type of Anchor Text to Use?

The best anchor text strategy depends on your individual website and content. However, some basic guidelines that can help you get started include using keywords in the title and body of your articles, including in the headline; linking to other relevant pages on your website; and including keyword-rich images and videos.
Always experiment with different anchor text strategies to see which ones work best for your site.

The more effective they are, the more traffic you will likely generate. By simply incorporating rich keywords into your blog post or article your anchor text will do its job, but the link needs to be trusted as well. Even with strong anchor text, a weak link can do more harm than good for your brand or website.

What Are They Again?

Anchor texts will help to disclose information on other pages or websites in order for your reader to expand on what they are reading. It is widely used throughout online marketing, whether you are running a blog, website, or social media page, anchor texts are crucial and should be carefully planned. The type of link anchor you use depends on your target audience and your specific business and marketing ethics.
When in doubt, an expert SEO agency that understands the best practices for optimizing your website should be your first port of call.



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