Tuesday 19 December 2023

Rank and Rent Website – Local SEO Lead Generation 2024

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

September 2023 Helpful Content Update - What is it?

Did you know that 61% of businesses experienced a drop in website traffic after the Google helpful content update in September 2023?

If you’re one of them, don’t panic! We’ve got you covered.

In this article, we’ll show you what steps to take after being hit by the update. 

From optimizing your author bio to conducting a technical audit, we’ll help you regain your rankings and recover from this setback.

Let’s dive in and get your website back on track!

google helpful content update

Crafted author bio that demonstrate expertise

Crafting an author bio that demonstrates your expertise is crucial for building trust with your readers. 

Include details such as your real name, relevant quotes with proof, and a clickable ‘Author Name’ that links to your full bio.

Additionally, displaying an ‘Author Box’ alongside every article can further establish your credibility and give readers a sense of who you are.

Clickable “Author Name”

To establish your expertise, create a clickable author name that showcases your knowledge and experience.

When readers come across your name in an article or blog post, they should be able to click on it and be directed to a page that provides more information about you as an author and expert in your field.

This clickable author name serves as a valuable opportunity to build credibility and trust with your audience.

Craft a concise and compelling author bio that highlights your qualifications, achievements, and unique insights. Include relevant links to your website, blog, or social media profiles to further demonstrate your expertise.

Last Update Date / Publish Date

One important element to include on your blog page is the last update date and publish date of your content. 

This information is crucial for your audience to know that the information they’re reading is current and up-to-date.

By including this you demonstrate your commitment to providing accurate and relevant information.

It also helps your audience understand the timeliness and relevance of your expertise. Make sure to keep this information easily visible and regularly update it to maintain your credibility as a trusted expert in your field.

author bio and publish date in your blog post

Reviewed By “Name” (optional)

The article includes a review by an expert in the field, highlighting their expertise and providing valuable insights.

Reviewed by ‘Name’, this author has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the subject matter.

With a deep understanding of the helpful content update and its impact, ‘Name’ offers practical advice and strategies for dealing with the aftermath. Their expertise shines through as they break down the steps you need to take to recover and thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape.

From analyzing your website’s performance to making necessary adjustments, ‘Name’ provides actionable tips that can help you navigate the challenges brought about by the update.

With their review, you can gain a competitive edge and confidently adapt your content strategy to the new realities of the online world.

Display an “Author box” alongside every article

author bio box screenshot

Crafting an author bio that demonstrates expertise is essential for implementing the subtopic of displaying an ‘Author box’ alongside every article. 

When readers come across your content, they want to know that they’re getting information from a credible source.

By including a well-crafted author bio, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and build trust with your audience.

Start by highlighting your qualifications, such as relevant degrees, certifications, or years of experience. Share any notable achievements or publications that showcase your expertise. 

It’s also helpful to include a personal touch, such as your passion for the topic or any personal experiences that have shaped your knowledge.

Remember to keep your bio concise and relevant, focusing on the information that will resonate with your audience and position you as a trusted authority.

Include Key takeways in the top of the Article

After you get hit by the Helpful Content Update, it’s important to understand the key takeaways. Here are the three main things you should keep in mind:

  1. Focus on concise and informative content: The update prioritizes shorter and more specific articles. Make sure your content provides proof of expertise or first-hand experience.
  2. Address the reader’s main question: Ask yourself, ‘What is the main question that the reader wants answered when they land on this page?’ Tailoring your content to address this question will help improve its visibility.
  3. Optimize for helpfulness: The update aims to provide helpful and relevant information to users. Make sure your content is genuinely useful, providing valuable insights and solutions to the reader’s queries.

Understanding these key takeaways will help you navigate the changes brought by the Helpful Content Update and improve your content’s visibility.

Real names and quotes

One important aspect to consider is using real names and quotes to enhance the credibility and authenticity of your content.

In today’s digital landscape, where trust is paramount, using real names and quotes can significantly boost the reliability of your information.

By attributing statements to specific individuals, whether they’re experts, industry leaders, or satisfied customers, you provide readers with tangible evidence and proof of the claims you make.

Real names and quotes create a sense of transparency, helping readers connect with your content on a more personal level.

Additionally, by including quotes from reputable sources, you can further establish your expertise and authority within your niche.

“Expert Quotes” near the top of articles

To enhance the credibility and authenticity of your content after getting hit by the Helpful Content Update, incorporate expert quotes near the top of your articles. Expert quotes serve as valuable endorsements that establish your article as a reliable source of information.

Here are three reasons why you should include expert quotes:

  • Establish Authority: Expert quotes lend credibility to your content by showcasing the knowledge and expertise of respected individuals in the field. This can help build trust with your audience and position you as a trusted source of information.
  • Provide Unique Insights: Expert quotes offer unique perspectives and insights that can add depth and value to your article. By including quotes from experts, you demonstrate that you have conducted thorough research and are presenting a well-rounded view of the topic.
  • Increase Engagement: Expert quotes can capture the attention of readers and encourage them to continue reading. When your audience sees quotes from respected experts, they’re more likely to be intrigued and engaged with your content.

Discussion and community

Start engaging with your audience and fostering a sense of community by encouraging discussions on your website.

Turn on the comments feature and invite people to share their thoughts, ask questions, and provide feedback.

By creating a space for dialogue, you not only give your audience a chance to engage with your content but also establish a sense of community around your website.

Encourage users to respond to each other’s comments and facilitate conversations by providing thoughtful responses yourself.

This not only boosts user engagement but also increases the likelihood of repeat visits and word-of-mouth recommendations. 

In addition, having active discussions on your website can provide valuable insights and ideas for future content, helping you to continuously improve and meet the needs of your audience.

Don't over use display ads

One important step to take after engaging with your audience and fostering a sense of community is to carefully manage the quantity of display ads on your website. While ads can generate revenue, overusing them can have a negative impact on user experience and drive visitors away.

Here are three reasons why you should avoid overusing display ads:

  • Maintain a clean and clutter-free design: Excessive ads can clutter your website, making it difficult for users to navigate and find the information they need. By keeping the number of ads to a minimum, you can ensure a clean and visually appealing design that enhances user experience.
  • Improve website loading speed: Display ads often require additional resources to load, which can slow down your website. Slow loading times can frustrate users and lead to higher bounce rates. By limiting the number of ads, you can improve the loading speed and provide a seamless browsing experience.
  • Increase user trust and credibility: Too many ads can give the impression that your website is solely focused on making money rather than providing valuable content. By reducing the number of ads, you can build trust with your audience and establish your website as a reliable source of information.

Phone number and email address

How can you effectively incorporate your phone number and email address into your website?

Including your contact information on your website is essential for providing a seamless user experience and encouraging potential customers to get in touch with you. 

To optimize your website, strategically place your phone number and email address in prominent locations such as the header, footer, or contact page. 

This ensures that visitors can easily find your contact information without having to search for it.

Additionally, consider using clickable links for your phone number and email address to allow users to directly call or email you with a simple click. 

By incorporating your phone number and email address into your website in a strategic and optimized manner, you make it easy for users to contact you, ultimately boosting engagement and potential conversions.

Technical audit

When it comes to conducting a technical audit, there are a few key points to keep in mind.

Firstly, tools like Screaming Frog and Search Console can provide valuable insights into the health of your website.

Secondly, make sure to check for any empty categories or pages that may need to be addressed.

Screaming Frog

To conduct a technical audit using Screaming Frog, begin by downloading all the data about your website and analyzing it in a spreadsheet. This tool allows you to gather comprehensive information about your website’s structure, URLs, meta tags, headers, and more.

Here are three key benefits of using Screaming Frog for your technical audit:

  • Identify broken links: Screaming Frog quickly scans your website and provides a report on any broken links or 404 errors. This helps you locate and fix these issues, improving user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Analyze metadata and headers: By analyzing the metadata and headers of your website, Screaming Frog gives you insights into duplicate titles, missing descriptions, and other SEO-related issues. This allows you to optimize your website for better search engine visibility.
  • Find duplicate content: Duplicate content can harm your website’s SEO performance. With Screaming Frog, you can easily identify duplicate pages or content, enabling you to take the necessary steps to eliminate duplication and improve your website’s rankings.

Using Screaming Frog for your technical audit provides valuable insights into your website’s performance and helps you optimize it for better SEO results.

Search Console

Now let’s talk about one of the key issues you may encounter in your Search Console technical audit: crawling but not indexing.

This occurs when search engines are able to crawl your website’s pages, but for some reason, they aren’t being indexed and therefore not showing up in search results.

It’s important to identify and address this issue promptly to ensure your content is being properly indexed and visible to potential visitors.

Crawled but not indexed

Check your Search Console to identify any pages that have been crawled but not indexed. This is an important step in ensuring that your website is performing well in search results.

Here are three things you can do if you find pages in this category:

  1. Review the content of these pages and make sure they’re valuable and unique.
  2. Check for any technical issues that may be preventing indexing, such as incorrect robots.txt directives or server errors.
  3. Consider improving the internal linking structure of your website to ensure that all important pages are easily accessible to search engines.

Empty Categories/Pages

Start by reviewing and addressing any empty categories or pages during your technical audit. Empty categories or pages can negatively impact user experience and SEO. When a category or page is empty, it provides no value to users and can result in high bounce rates.

Additionally, search engines may view empty categories or pages as low-quality content, which can affect your website’s rankings. To address this issue, consider removing empty categories or pages altogether or redirecting them to relevant content.

By doing so, you can improve user experience, reduce bounce rates, and ensure that search engines crawl and index valuable content.

Once you have addressed empty categories or pages, you can move on to optimizing your website’s CTR with navigational brand keywords.

CTR navigational brand keywords

After being affected by the Helpful Content Update, it’s crucial to optimize your CTR navigational brand keywords for better performance. Navigational brand keywords are the search terms that users enter when they’re specifically looking for your brand or website. By optimizing these keywords, you can improve your click-through rate (CTR) and drive more traffic to your site.

Here are three strategies to help you optimize your CTR navigational brand keywords:

  1. Incorporate your brand name in the title tag and meta description of your web pages. This will make it easier for users to identify your site in the search results.
  2. Use schema markup to highlight your brand name and logo in the search results. This can make your listing more visually appealing and increase the likelihood of users clicking on it.
  3. Monitor and analyze your CTR for navigational brand keywords. Identify any patterns or trends and make adjustments to your optimization strategies accordingly.

Original images

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To optimize your website after being affected by the Helpful Content Update, it’s essential to incorporate original images that increase trust and engagement.

Original images not only make your website visually appealing but also establish credibility with your audience. When users see unique and authentic images on your site, they’re more likely to trust the information you provide.

Remember to optimize your images by compressing them without sacrificing quality to ensure fast loading times. Including descriptive alt tags and captions can also improve accessibility and search engine optimization.

source https://webjuice.ie/rank-and-rent-website/

Saturday 14 October 2023

What to Do After You Get Hit by the Google Helpful Content Update

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

SEO Service Pricing in Ireland

Our journey today is centered on the “Technical audit,” a comprehensive checkup that ensures your website isn’t just fit but is in prime form to dance gracefully with Google’s algorithms.

We won’t just talk the talk; we’ll walk you through a technical audit applied to a live website. Real challenges, real solutions.

What is a technical audit?

A Technical SEO audit isn’t just a meticulous examination—it’s a transformative process that fine-tunes the intricate gears of your website, ensuring that it not only communicates but thrives within the vast ecosystem of Google. However, a Technical SEO audit is more than just a troubleshooting session—it’s the foundational cornerstone of an effective SEO strategy. Before venturing further into keyword optimization or content strategy, this audit lays the groundwork, ensuring your site stands tall and unobscured in the expansive horizon of Google search results.

Why do technical SEO Audits Matter?

Think of a Technical SEO Audit as a health check for your website.

Even if you’ve put great content out there, some glitches can make it tough for people and search engines to find it.

Here’s why this check-up is a must:

Get Found: If your website has hidden issues, search engines might skip it. You want your site to be easy for Google to spot and list.

Speed Matters: People don’t like waiting. If your website takes forever to load, they’ll leave. Plus, faster sites often rank higher on search result pages.

Easy Navigation Wins: A confusing website makes visitors frustrated. Clear, simple layouts keep them happy, and they’re more likely to become customers.

Mobile is King: Many folks use their phones to browse these days. If your site doesn’t work well on mobile, you’re missing out big time! Plus, sites that work well on mobile often get better rankings.

Tools We Use for Checking Your Site:

  • Detailed Chrome Extension: Check your headings, links, images, and schema with this quick tool.
  • Screaming Frog: This helps check your site’s details. (Note: The free version only checks up to 500 pages.)
  • Google Site Operators: A quick way to see what parts of your site Google knows about.
  • Google Search Console: This one’s for clients who share access. It’s Google’s way of telling us how it sees your site.
  • Speed Checkers: Google Page Speed or GTmetrix – like a stopwatch to see how fast your website loads.

What We Look For (Simple Checklist):

  • Robots.txt: Making sure search engines know what they can and can’t see.
  • Sitemap: A map that tells search engines about the pages on your site.
  • Unneeded Pages (Index Bloating): Removing extra pages that don’t need to show up in search results.
  • Tags to Control Search Engines: Like the Meta Robots Tag, X-Robots Tag, and Canonical Tag.
  • Redirects: Checking if some pages send visitors to other pages, like with 301 or 302 Redirects.
  • Errors: Making sure there are no dead ends or broken pages (like 404 Errors).
  • Site Speed: How quickly does your website load?
  • Data Layout (Structured Data): Helps search engines understand your content better.

In this process, we’re going to use Liwujewellery as an ecommerce website example.

Step 1: Run the website through Google Site operators to see how many pages are indexed.

how to make website audit

Using the site operators, you can easily understand which pages are indexed and which are not.

In one go, you can also understand if Google indexed the right title and description and also added the schema or not.

Using the site operator for this website, I understood that:

Meta tags are not optimized properly

how to make technical website audit

Pagination pages are also indexed

Pagination pages are also indexed

All the products are not showing schema markup

showing schema markup

Example of well optimized schema markup

well optimized schema markup
With a single site operator, you can also find most of the sold out products, which either need to be removed from the website or optimized properly for further sales.
site operator

Use this : site:(Add your website url)  “sold out”

Step 2: Run the website through Screaming Frog

I am using the latest version of Screaming Frog.
screaming frog technical audit

You can directly download this from the screaming frog website : screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/

Once you fire up this tool on your Windows or Mac, enter the website URL.

screaming frog - technical audit

Note: You can connect GSC (Google Search Console), Google analytics and the Google Page speed API to make the audit more interesting using screaming frog) –

Read this to learn more: SEO Spider Tabs – Screaming Frog

Using Screaming Frog, you need to check the listed things below:

  1. Internal Tab (For complete overview)
  2. Response code tab
  3. URL Tab
  4. Page titles
  5. Meta Descriptions
  6. H1
  7. Images
  8. Canonicals
  9. Paginations

Note: You can also check the other tabs, but the ones listed above are important.

Step 3: Now let’s check the robots.txt file for this website


Using this robots.txt file, you can easily understand which pages are allowed to be indexed and which are not.

Allow: This means it will be indexed and crawled by Google

Disallow: This means it will not be indexed or crawled by Google

Step 4: Now let’s check the sitemap of the website to understand the structure and all the pages of the website

how to check website sitemap

In Ecommerce website sitemap, you can easily find all the urls of the website. Like pages, collections, and products.

So it’s always important to check the sitemap and get a proper idea of the website.

This will help you easily find irrelevant pages and other pages to remove or fix.

Step 5: Solve Tag indexed pages

Using tags on your WordPress or Shopify online store helps organize your content but can also cause SEO problems like repeating content.

To see if search engines have indexed your tagged pages, try these searches:

  • Type “site:yourwebsite.com inurl:tag” in the search bar to find all pages with “tag” in the address.
  • Type “site:yourwebsite.com inurl:/tag/” to find pages with “/tag/” in the address.

This helps you spot potential issues quickly.

Step 6: Check your redirect issues

When improving your website’s SEO, it’s important to understand HTTP status codes. These codes tell you and search engines about the condition of a webpage.

Here are the main HTTP status codes to know:

1. 301 – Moved Permanently:

This means a webpage has permanently moved to a new location. It’s like a change of address notice for websites. By using this code, you make sure search engines know where your content has moved to, so you don’t lose your search ranking. For website owners on Apache servers, you can set this up in your .htaccess file. For WordPress users, the ‘Redirection’ plugin can help.

2. 302 – Moved Temporarily:

This is a temporary move. If you’re making short-term changes and intend to revert back to the original, use this. But remember, unlike the 301, this doesn’t pass along the search ranking to the new page.

3. 404 – Not Found:

It means a page doesn’t exist anymore. You’ve probably seen this when a link is broken or a page has been deleted. For a better user experience, design a custom 404 page that guides visitors back to your site.

4. Soft 404s:

These are tricky. It’s when a page tells users it doesn’t exist but doesn’t relay the same message to search engines. This can confuse search engines, so it’s best to avoid it.

How to Check Your Status Codes:

To quickly check these codes on your website, a tool like Screaming Frog is great.

Understanding Crawl Errors

What’s a Crawl Error?

When Google tries to visit (or “crawl”) pages on your site and encounters a problem, that’s called a crawl error.

Where to Find Them:

Check for these errors in Google Search Console under “Pages.”

crawl errors in search console

Types of Crawl Errors:

Site Errors: Google couldn’t look at your entire website. Big problem!

URL Errors: Google had trouble with specific pages.

Your site’s pages might show as follows:

  • Error: There’s a problem, and the page isn’t listed on Google.
  • Warning: The page is there, but there’s a minor issue.
  • Excluded: You told Google not to list this page.
  • Valid: All’s good! The page is on Google without any hiccups.

Why Care About Crawl Errors?

If Google can’t see your content, people won’t find it in search results.

Regularly checking for these errors ensures your site performs well in searches.

Quick Checklist for Common Crawl Errors:

  • Server Error (5xx): Your website’s server had a hiccup.
  • Redirect Issues: There’s a problem with how pages redirect visitors.
  • Blocked by Robots.txt: A specific file stops Google from viewing the page.
  • Marked ‘Noindex’: You’ve told Google not to show the page.
  • Soft 404: The page acts like it doesn’t exist but doesn’t directly say so.
  • Unauthorized (401): Google doesn’t have permission to see the page.
  • Not Found (404): The page doesn’t exist.
  • Access Denied (403): The page is locked away from Google.
  • Other 4xx Issues: Different issues stop Google from seeing a page.
  • Fixing Errors: Google Search Console’s “Index Coverage” report has tips and steps to resolve these issues. Always ensure your content is accessible to maximize your site’s visibility!

For more information, check out this Google Doc: Page Indexing report – Search Console Help (google.com)

Step 7: Site and Page Speed Simplified

What is Site Speed?

It’s how fast your entire website loads. Google uses the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) to track this.

Why Does Site Speed Matter?

In 2010, Google said fast-loading sites ranked better. Slow websites can lose visitors, affecting rankings, traffic, and sales.

website speed check

Source: New Industry Benchmarks for Mobile Page Speed – Think With Google

What is Page Speed?

It’s how quickly a single web page loads. Various metrics gauge this, like how long it takes for a page to react to a click (First Input Delay) or when meaningful content appears (First Meaningful Paint).

Why is Page Speed important?

Each webpage’s speed affects its SEO ranking. If your page is slow, it can be outperformed by faster ones in search results. Google wants to give its users speedy results.

How do you measure Page Speed?

Use tools like GTMetrix, Pingdom, or Google’s PageSpeed Insights. These tools give scores and suggest areas for improvement.

Check the page speed of this website: Mobile : https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-liwujewellery-com/ui1qcs5vor?form_factor=mobile

google speed insights
tehnical audit website speed

Improving Site and Page Speed: A Simple Guide

  • Server Response: If your audience is global, use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like Cloudflare. It provides data from closer locations, making loading faster.
  • Limit Server Requests: Too many requests can slow things down.

Here’s how to lessen them:

  • Combine multiple JavaScript and CSS files.
  • Reduce plugins that generate extra files.
  • Use “sprites” for recurring images like logos.
  • Decrease the use of 301 redirects.
  • Browser Caching: By storing data on visitors’ browsers, pages reload faster.
  • Clean Up Files: Remove unneeded JavaScript and CSS files.
  • Avoid scripts that delay page displays.
  • Compress and simplify code: Remove comments, use shorter function names, and delete redundant code.
  • Optimize Images: Use images of the right size for screens.
  • Compress images with tools like TinyPNG or plugins like WP Rocket.
  • Implement lazy-loading: Load images only when they’re in view.

Step 8: Check structure data

Structured Data, commonly known as schema markup, is a powerful tool designed to help search engines interpret the content of your web pages with enhanced clarity.

Major search engines, including Google, Bing, Yandex, and Yahoo!, proposed this technique for webmasters to relay website information in an organized manner using JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data).

Imagine a Salted Caramel Ice Cream recipe page.

While humans can intuitively discern details like ingredients, preparation times, and nutritional facts, search engines benefit from some guidance.

Consider structured data as creating content specifically tailored for search engines.

Significance of Structured Data:

Incorporating structured data can significantly affect your site’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). For instance, a recipe page with structured data might display ingredients and preparation times directly in search results, while one without may simply show a website snippet.

A study by SearchEngineLand highlighted that structured data can enhance the click-through rate (CTR) by up to 30%, driving more organic traffic.

Thus, integrating structured data is paramount in technical SEO audits.

Steps for Effective Structured Data Implementation:

Choose the Relevant Schema Markup: Numerous schema markups cater to diverse content types. Some common ones include:

  • Organizations
  • People
  • Products
  • Reviews
  • News Articles
  • Events
  • Recipes

Utilize Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper: This tool streamlines the process of generating structured data for your site. Just input your page URL, select the relevant data type, and begin the tagging process.

Position Structured Data Correctly: Embed your structured data within the <head> section of your web page.

Evaluate with Google’s Rich Results Test: This tool reviews your structured data for potential errors.

Simply enter your page URL, opt for mobile or desktop testing, and initiate the test. Ideally, the result would indicate that your page qualifies for rich results.

Opt for JSON-LD: If manually coding, Google suggests using JSON-LD over alternatives like RDFa or Microdata.

Adhere to Google’s Structured Data Guidelines: Important guidelines to remember include:

  • Only mark visible content.
  • Avoid marking irrelevant or misleading content.
  • Keep your marked content updated.
  • Ensure all versions of a page, not just the canonical one, have the same markup.
  • Incorporating structured data effectively can optimize your online visibility, making it a must-consider in technical SEO strategies.

This website just has two schema markups:

schema markup check

This website should be updated with:

Organization schema, Review schema, local schema, and product schema. The above eight steps are the most crucial for a technical audit. Going deeper, you can also do mobile friendly checking, log file analysis, and a Javascript SEO check. But you need to stick with the basics first, then move on to the later part. Some additional tools are:
  1. Detailed Chrome Plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/detailed-seo-extension/pfjdepjjfjjahkjfpkcgfmfhmnakjfba
  2. Rich schema checker: https://search.google.com/test/rich-results?utm_campaign=sdtt&utm_medium=message
  3. Search Console: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly
check schema in detailed chrome extension

Monetizing Through SEO Technical Audit:

Conducting an SEO technical audit involves a meticulous examination of a website to pinpoint areas for improvement, and ensure that it’s optimized for search engines. When leveraged effectively, it can be a substantial source of revenue.

Here’s how you can monetize it:

Offering Audit Services: Begin by offering specialized SEO technical audit services to businesses. Many companies, especially those with sizable or outdated websites, are willing to pay experts to analyze their website’s performance and compliance with SEO best practices.

Implementation of Audit Recommendations: Beyond just identifying issues, offer to fix them. This can include optimizing site speed, enhancing mobile responsiveness, rectifying broken links, or even overhauling site architecture.

Monthly Retainer Packages: Once you’ve conducted an audit and implemented changes, propose a monthly retainer package where you continuously monitor and refine the site’s SEO. This ensures consistent income and helps clients maintain their optimized status.

Upselling Related Services: An SEO technical audit can uncover issues related to content, backlink profiles, or the user experience. Use this as an opportunity to upsell content creation services, link-building campaigns, or even user experience (UX) design changes.

Offering Training and Consultation: After identifying common problems across different audits, create a training program or workshop. Help businesses understand the importance of an SEO-friendly website and train them on best practices, which in turn can be another stream of income.

Affiliate Partnerships with Web Developers or Hosting Providers: Often, technical SEO issues arise from poor hosting services or outdated website platforms. By partnering with reputable web developers or hosting providers, you can earn commissions for every referral made through your audit recommendations.

By positioning an SEO technical audit not just as a diagnostic tool but as a comprehensive solution that encompasses analysis, recommendations, and implementation, professionals can tap into multiple avenues of revenue generation.

If you are looking for FREE technical audit, contact me here.

source https://webjuice.ie/helpful-content-update/

Sunday 17 September 2023

Simple Way to Make Google Love Your Ecommerce Store or your Business Website: In-depth Technical Audit

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

SEO Service Pricing in Ireland

In Ireland, you can find affordable rates for boosting your online presence and increasing visibility. 

When it comes to SEO, there are several options available that cater to different budgets and business needs. 

Here is a breakdown of the average costs you can expect:

  1. SEO Audit: Before implementing any strategies, it’s crucial to conduct an SEO audit to identify areas for improvement. This service typically ranges from €250 to €750.

  2. SEO Consultant: Hiring an experienced SEO consultant can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to your specific goals. The monthly retainer fee for such services generally falls between €500 and €2000.

  3. Monthly Retainer: Many businesses opt for ongoing SEO services on a monthly basis, which includes keyword research, content optimization, link building, and performance tracking. These retainers can range from €500 to €3000 per month.

  4. Additional Services: Depending on your requirements, additional services like local SEO optimization or e-commerce SEO may incur extra charges.

Now let’s delve into the various packages and inclusions offered by Irish SEO providers without missing a beat.

local seo ranks

Like a captain navigating through uncharted waters, understanding the intricacies of SEO rates can be daunting. 

However, fear not! We’re here to guide you on this strategic journey. 

Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketing professional seeking to expand your digital presence, knowing the cost of SEO services is crucial for making informed decisions.

From analyzing different SEO options and packages to exploring factors that influence pricing, we’ll equip you with the knowledge needed for successful negotiations and hiring decisions.

SEO Options and Costs in Ireland

SEO options and costs in Ireland can vary depending on the level of service you choose. When it comes to SEO, there are various factors to consider such as the size of your business, your specific goals, and the level of competition in your industry. 

Many businesses in Ireland opt for professional SEO services provided by reputable agencies. 

These SEO service providers offer comprehensive solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. 

Depending on your budget and requirements, you can choose from different SEO packages that include keyword research, website optimization, content creation, link building, and more. 

While some agencies may charge a fixed monthly fee for their services, others may offer flexible pricing models based on performance or project duration. 

Keep in mind that finding the right SEO agency is crucial for achieving desired results.

Transitioning into the next section about ‘SEO rates in Ireland,’ let’s explore how these costs are determined without compromising quality and effectiveness.

SEO Packages and Inclusions

Get ready to level up your online visibility with a variety of all-inclusive SEO packages offered by Irish providers, designed to make your digital presence shine like a shooting star. 

These packages are tailored to suit different budgets and objectives, ensuring that you get the best value for your investment. 

In Dublin and other cities across Ireland, you can find SEO packages that cater to businesses of all sizes, from startups to established enterprises. 

These packages typically include keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, content creation, and performance tracking. 

Some providers may also offer additional services such as social media management or PPC advertising. 

By choosing an SEO package in Ireland, you can benefit from the expertise of professionals who understand the local market and can help you achieve your online goals. 

Now let’s explore the factors affecting SEO pricing in Ireland without delay.

Factors Affecting SEO Pricing in Ireland

When it comes to determining the cost of SEO in Ireland, there are several factors that come into play. 

The level of competition in your industry is one key consideration, as higher competition often requires more extensive and aggressive SEO strategies

Additionally, the size and complexity of your website can influence pricing, as larger websites with more pages may require additional time and effort for optimization.

Finally, the current state of your website also plays a role, as addressing any existing issues or technical errors may require extra work.

Competition Level

Discover the fierce competition level in Ireland and see how it impacts the cost of SEO services for your business. 

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), competition plays a crucial role in determining pricing. When it comes to keywords, some industries are more competitive than others. 

Depending on your niche, certain keywords may require an extensive SEO campaign to achieve desired rankings. 

Additionally, the overall level of competition within your industry affects the cost of SEO services. 

If you operate in a highly competitive market, where numerous businesses are vying for top rankings, expect to pay more for SEO. 

On the other hand, if your industry has low competition levels, prices tend to be lower as well. 

Moving forward into the next section about ‘website size and complexity’, we’ll explore another factor that influences SEO pricing without skipping a beat.

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Website Size and Complexity

Managing a website is like navigating a labyrinth, and the size and complexity of your site can greatly impact the effectiveness of your SEO strategy. 

When it comes to keyword research, larger websites tend to have more content and therefore more potential keywords to target. 

This means that conducting thorough keyword research becomes even more crucial in order to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your site.

Furthermore, ongoing SEO efforts require continuous monitoring and optimization, which can be more time-consuming for larger and more complex websites. 

It’s important to consider the resources required to effectively manage SEO for a larger site, as it may necessitate additional manpower or outsourcing. 

Understanding the unique challenges posed by website size and complexity will help you devise a tailored SEO strategy that maximizes your online visibility. 

Transitioning into the subsequent section about the current website state, it’s equally important to evaluate how well your existing SEO efforts are performing.

Current Website State

Take a moment to envision the current state of your website, with its design, layout, and overall user experience. 

Is it optimized for local SEO

Are you ranking well in search engine results? 

Is your website attracting and engaging visitors effectively? 

These are crucial questions to consider when evaluating your website’s current state in terms of SEO. 

A knowledgeable analysis of your website’s performance will allow you to identify areas that need improvement and develop a strategic plan for digital marketing success.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your current website is essential for determining what services should be included in your SEO rate. 

By assessing the existing condition of your site, you can make informed decisions about how best to optimize it for increased visibility and better online performance.

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Understand What Services Are Included in Your SEO Rate

Understanding what services are included in your SEO rate is like peeling back the layers of an onion; it reveals the true value and potential impact of your investment. 

When considering the cost of SEO in Ireland, it’s crucial to know exactly what you’re getting for your money. 

Here are five key services that should be included in your SEO rate:

  • Keyword research and optimization: Identifying the right keywords to target and optimizing your website content accordingly.
  • On-page optimization: Fine-tuning elements on your website such as meta tags, headings, and URL structure to improve search engine visibility.
  • Link building: Acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to boost your site’s authority.
  • Content creation: Developing relevant and engaging content that resonates with both users and search engines.
  • Performance tracking and reporting: Monitoring the effectiveness of your SEO campaign through analytics data.

By understanding these services, you can make a more informed decision about the cost of SEO in Ireland. 

Transitioning into the next section about ‘cost of SEO agency vs consultant,’ let’s explore how each option compares in terms of value for money.

local seo dublin results

Cost of SEO Agency vs SEO Consultant

Hiring an SEO agency or consultant can be a tough decision, but weighing the cost vs value can help you make the right choice. 

When it comes to the cost of SEO, there are differences between hiring an agency and a consultant. 

An SEO agency typically charges higher rates due to its larger team and resources, while a consultant may offer more affordable options as they work independently. 

However, it’s important to consider that SEO takes time and requires ongoing efforts for optimal results. 

A reputable agency or consultant will understand this and provide services accordingly.

Now that you understand the cost implications, let’s delve into some tips on hiring an SEO agency in Dublin without compromising on quality or effectiveness.

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Tips on Hiring an SEO Agency in Dublin

When hiring an agency in Dublin, it is important to define your goals and objectives before making any decisions. 

This will help you find an agency that aligns with your needs and can deliver the results you are looking for. 

Additionally, setting a clear budget will ensure that you are able to afford the services of the agency without overspending or compromising on quality. 

By taking these steps, you can make a well-informed decision and hire an agency that will effectively boost your online presence and drive organic traffic to your website.

Define Your Goals

To really get the most out of your SEO investment in Ireland, you need to clearly define your goals and determine what success looks like for your business. 

Start by understanding the specific objectives you want to achieve through SEO, whether it’s increasing organic traffic, improving search engine rankings, or generating more leads. 

Once you have a clear vision of your goals, it becomes easier to develop an effective strategy that aligns with them. 

Consider aspects such as content creation, link building, and social media marketing as potential tactics to help you reach those objectives. 

By defining your goals upfront, you can ensure that all efforts are focused on driving results that matter to your business. 

Now let’s delve into defining your budget and how it relates to achieving these goals.

Define Your Budget

Creating a realistic budget for your SEO efforts in Ireland is essential to ensure that you allocate sufficient resources toward achieving your goals. 

When defining your budget, there are several factors to consider. Here are five important aspects to keep in mind:

  • The scope of your SEO project: Determine the size and complexity of the work required.
  • Level of competition: Assess how competitive your industry is in Ireland and adjust your budget accordingly.
  • Desired results: Consider the specific outcomes you expect from your SEO campaign.
  • Expertise and experience: Research the market to understand the average hourly rate or monthly cost for professional SEO services in Ireland.
  • Additional expenses: Remember to factor in any additional costs such as content creation or paid advertising.

By carefully considering these elements, you can establish a well-informed budget that aligns with your objectives. Next, we will explore how to negotiate prices effectively when hiring an SEO service provider.

Negotiating Prices

If you’re looking to negotiate prices for SEO services in Ireland, there are a few key factors you need to consider. 

One important factor is the current market rate for SEO services in Ireland, which can vary depending on the level of expertise and experience of the SEO provider. 

It’s also important to understand that the cost of SEO services is often determined by the complexity and competitiveness of your target keywords. 

Another factor that can influence pricing is the scope of work involved, such as on-page optimization, link building, and content creation. 

To help you get an idea of what to expect in terms of pricing, here’s a table that provides a general overview based on average industry rates:

Service Type Average Cost (Per Month)
Local SEO €500 – €1,000
National SEO €1,000 – €2,000
E-commerce SEO €1,500 – €3,000
Enterprise-level SEO €3,000+

Remember that these figures are just averages and can vary depending on various factors specific to your business and website.

The cost of SEO in Ireland varies depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of your website, the competitiveness of your industry, and the specific goals you want to achieve. Generally, SEO services in Ireland can range from €500 to €3,000 per month for ongoing SEO or €1,000 to €10,000 for a one-time project.

When it comes to paying for SEO services in Ireland, it is important to consider the value that you will be receiving. While prices may vary, you should be looking for a reputable SEO agency or consultant who offers transparent pricing, customized packages, and a proven track record of delivering results. It’s also important to consider the long-term benefits of investing in SEO as it can significantly impact your online visibility and website traffic.

Whether you should hire an SEO agency or consultant depends on your specific needs and resources. An SEO agency typically offers a wide range of services and can handle all aspects of your SEO campaign, while an SEO consultant may specialize in specific areas and provide more personalized attention. Consider your budget, goals, and the level of expertise required for your project before making a decision.

SEO is a long-term strategy that requires time and patience. While it’s difficult to predict exactly when you’ll start seeing results, it generally takes several months to see significant improvements in your website’s rankings and organic traffic. This is because SEO involves various tactics, such as technical optimizations, content creation, and building high-quality backlinks, which all take time to implement and impact search engine rankings.

The cost of SEO in Ireland is influenced by various factors, including:

  • Keyword research and analysis
  • On-page optimization
  • Technical SEO improvements
  • Content creation and optimization
  • Link building
  • Local SEO
  • Social media marketing
  • Regular audits and reporting

source https://webjuice.ie/in-depth-technical-audit-for-your-website/

Rank and Rent Website – Local SEO Lead Generation 2024

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